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  3. Celebrating #GivingTuesdayNow

Celebrating #GivingTuesdayNow

Support GEM in celebrating #GivingTuesdayNow; a global day dedicated to unifying support for charitable organizations providing important services during COVID-19.

If you haven’t yet supported GEM this year, we urge you to donate now. From just $10 a month, you can become a member of GEMcircle, an important part of GEM’s dynamic community of donors supporting our work to ensure that no girl is left behind.

Now more than ever, GEMgirls are facing anxiety, stress and loneliness. They are struggling and feeling overwhelmed from the disruption of their school year, impact on their grades, and uncertainty about their future.  

“Due to the current situation, my mother lost her job. I’m worried about the wellbeing of my father who is vulnerable to the virus due to a health condition. A bunch of my extracurriculars/volunteering roles have been cancelled. I feel a bit overwhelmed by the news.” – GEMgirl

GEM is committed to seeing them through this crisis, but we can’t do it alone. Your donation today will help GEMgirls through the extraordinary challenges they face, and support their resilience, strength and optimism.

“Checking in every week and talking things through about the current situation and its effects is really helpful because it reminds us that we don’t have to feel alone because we’re in self isolation.”  -GEMgirl

Mentorship Matters, especially right now. Your monthly GEMcircle gift will enable us to continue to be a cornerstone in a GEMgirl’s life.  

Click here to join the GEMCircle.

**Members receive exciting quarterly updates, with interesting stories from the GEM community, and invitations to special activities and events.

Click here to make a one-time donation.

Thank you for your generous support,

Wendy Sung-Aad
Executive Director